I've been wanting to follow-up on a couple things for a while now, but there always seems to be something else fighting it's way out of my head!
First: Migraine treatment follow-up
I posted a little while ago about a suggestion made by a neurologist that I try a combination of vitamins (and occasional Aleve) to try to keep my headaches under control. I can say unequivocally that this has been a great success for me. My daily headaches are all but gone, and I haven't had a single migraine. On 3 occasions I have gotten what I'll call “weird” headaches — not quite migraines, but feeling pretty intense. All 3 times I took Butterburr and was fine within an hour! If you decide to try this, please let me know how it works for you.
Second: the Twilight series
At the time that I wrote, I was reading book 1 of 4. I have now read all 4 and, obviously, I loved it. My favorite book was the first, followed by the 3rd. I may have caught some flak in the comments (I believe a certain friend called me a “moron” — sound familiar, Dana?!) but I'm ok with that. The books aren't great literature, but the writing is decent and the characters are really, truly likable. And sometimes that's enough.
Lastly: the promised recipe
Yet another sign of Spring is that we fired up the grill the other night. I'm not a red-meat eater, and I really don't care for chicken. However, this simple rub was soo good that I ate every last bite. Together with some griilled onions and asparagus, and a French white burgundy… yum!
Barbeque Rub (from Real Simple, June 2008)
3 T paprika
1T brown sugar
1T dried oregano
1T ground coffee
1.5 t salt
.5 t pepper
We used boneless, skinless, chicken breasts, but I think this would be great on shrimp, too. Coat with a little olive oil, cover with the rub, and grill!