Thursday, July 7, 2011


Mixed media collage using Golden acrylics and mediums on Tyvek fabric.

When I was younger I was always making something. The medium didn't matter, as long as I could create. Once I became a working professional my creative output slowed, but it was always there in fits and spurts. And then I became a mom.

For the past 6 years any art or creative project I've worked on existed in the realm of "mom". Either I was doing art with Anna or making something for Anna. And more recently, I started teaching art to other children. But I haven't really been doing any art of my own.

A few weeks ago I was in Collage, a great local art store, when I saw a mixed-media piece on display. It had layers of beautiful colors, glazes and collage elements all applied in a reverse process on clear acrylic, so you viewed it from the opposite side from which it was worked. I was intrigued. I thought about that piece for a few days, and I couldn't escape the pull. I really wanted to know how it was made.

Recently I got a chance to find out. I spent 5 1/2 hours in a workshop with the artist herself: author, teacher, and Golden Working Artist, Chris Cozen. Chris was great, blasting through four different techniques using Golden acrylics on unusual surfaces (Yupo paper, Tyvek kite fabric, clear upholstery vinyl, and clear acrylic). I have to say that although it was the work on the clear acrylic that drew me into the workshop, I think I actually enjoyed working on the Tyvek fabric best. And what's really cool is that you can sew it too, so I'm very interested in working with it more! For those of you who are curious about these techniques, Chris offers online workshops. She was a great teacher and I recommend her highly.

At the end of the day, I was asking Chris some questions about using the Tyvek for bookbinding. I mentioned that I'm teaching a Book Arts Camp for kids this summer, and Chris got very interested. We talked a bit about the camps and classes I teach and then she did something totally unexpected. She packed up ALL the Golden paints we worked with that day and gave them to me for use in my classes! Honestly, I had been looking at all those colors enviously throughout the workshop, because I knew I'd never be able to afford to buy such a rich assortment on my own. I cannot thank Chris and Golden enough. It was such a wonderful ending to a really great day.

To see Chris's work, visit her website:

Monday, July 4, 2011

I'll Follow the Sun

Shortly after my father died, I had a powerful dream about him. We were walking outside by a pool, and Dad was wearing golden-yellow swim trunks. Without saying a word he laid face-down on a chaise lounge and his swim trunks turned from gold to black. I laid my body over his and immediately woke with the Beatles song I'll Follow the Sun going through my head. The weird part is that I don't remember ever hearing that song before. Though I was certainly raised with a fair amount of Beatles songs in my repertoire, that wasn't one of them. That dream has stayed completely vivid for me, four years later. More like a memory than a dream.

me and dad at zoo

me and dad 1984

me and dad formal_1

dad and me at piano

I'll Follow the Sun
by The Beatles

One day you'll look to see I've gone
For tomorrow may rain,
so I'll follow the sun

Some day you'll know I was the one
But tomorrow may rain,
so I'll follow the sun

And now the time has come
and, my love, I must go
And though I lose a friend
In the end you will know, oh

One day you'll find that I have gone
But tomorrow may rain,
so I'll follow the sun
But tomorrow may rain,
so I'll follow the sun

And now the time has come
and, my love, I must go
And though I lose a friend
In the end you will know, oh

One day you'll find that I have gone
But tomorrow may rain,
so I'll follow the sun

I love you, Dad. You were my sun.

Steven Millman Rappaport