Editor's note: click here to see the winners!
I am thrilled to announce my first giveaway! Thanks to an anonymous donor, I am giving away 5 copies of The Omnivore's Dilemma (I have a total of 8; I will give away the other 3 at a later date). I can only offer to pay for domestic shipping, so this offer applies only in the U.S.
As I've mentioned several times, I recently read The Omnivore's Dilemma and was profoundly effected by it. I was shocked and angered at how much I had been manipulated into thinking the food choices I was making were the best for my family and for the environment.
The author, Michael Pollan, describes in chilling detail what he learns when he digs deep into the world of big agribusiness. As its title indicates, this isn't a book intended to turn everyone into vegetarians. It's about understanding how we've come to be in the situation we're in, and what you can do to ensure that the foods you're buying are best for you, the animals, the farmers, and the environment.
The giveaway does come with a catch though — I'm asking you to read the book and then pass it on. I'd like to see just how many people can be effected by these 5 copies of the book. So, if you're willing, please put your first name and your city and state on the inside front cover on the book. When your done, pass it on to someone you think would enjoy reading it and ask them to do the same. That's it!
If you'd like to enter to receive a copy, just leave a comment to this post. I'll leave comments open until 5pm Friday, June 19, 2009 (PST). If there aren't many comments (i.e. 5 or fewer) you'll automatically receive a book. Otherwise I'll do a random number generator and announce the winners on Monday. Good luck!
This guy is fantastic! I saw him talk a few months back. Very enthusiastic and well spoken on the topic of how food gets to your table. I think Obama needs to appoint him Sec. of Agriculture!
I started reading this about 3 weeks ago - May was crazy so I only made it to chapter 2 before I had to return it to the library. The waiting list for this book was as long as my arm! What I did read of it was powerful, very informative and I am anxious to read the rest. Great idea to pass the books along - the more people that are educated about what they are really eating, where it's really coming from and how it's affecting them is so important. Thanks for putting my name in the proverbial hat!
This looks quite fascinating. Thanks for the opportunity.
This has been on my wish list at amazon for a bit now. I'd love a copy and be happy to pass it along when done. Always on the look out for healthier eating for my family and me.
I'd like a copy. We've recently started growing our own vegetables, and last year we experimented with a CSA subscription. Thanks for the offer!
I would love a copy! I read In Defense of Food and couldn't help but pass it on to a few friends and would love to do the same with this book!
I'd love to read this, so would my husband, and then we'll pass it on...
yahoo! I have been dying to read this ever since it has hit the shelves - somehow i never seem to make it to the top of the "holds" list at the library.
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