First of all, the end of the school year is this Thursday for us which means … summer vacation! I have to say, as an adult I've been pretty disappointed in the way summer feels a lot like the rest of the year (less so here in Portland, where the seasons are so pronounced). This is the first year that summer vacation will really mean something for Anna. We've got lots lined up, including ice skating lessons, music class, UCSB family camp (that will merit it's own post), and lots and lots of picnics, wading pool splashing, grilling, berry picking, homemade ice cream… yay for summer!
Yet another thing I'm buzzing about is my first-ever giveaway on this blog. A generous soul, who wishes to remain anonymous, is donating 8 copies of The Omnivore's Dilemma to you, dear readers! I've been so profoundly changed by this book and I'm so excited to be able to share it with you. Hang tight for details on the giveaway in the coming weeks.
Much of what always gets me excited is, of course, food. Many of you know that I have a scone issue — both that I love them and that I find it maddeningly difficult to get good ones here in Portland (although Crema does a pretty good job). I am happy to report that I have found two scone recipes that I believe show promise and I will dutifully test them (someone's got to do it!) and report back. For those who want to get going on your own, they are David Lebovitz' recipe here (although I would change the flavors), and the recipe found in A Homemade Life: Stories and Recipes from My Kitchen Table
And, of course, I am getting reading for the first of the craft shows I'm participating in this Friday, on NE Fremont at 13th Avenue! If you're a local, please try to stop by between 4-8pm. I've been sewing like crazy, so there will be lots of new stuff to see.
1 comment:
"I feel like there's this electric charge around me, just buzzing constantly." ... Julie, this line SO resinates with me! This summer more than ever before. I'm with ya sista.
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