If I'd had a spare $125 or so, I so would've bought this! Love, love, love her. She epitomizes the Japanese street look to me.
Thought I'd interrupt my Japan blogging to tag along on Claire’s little game again. Given that we're back home now, there's really just one more post about Japan that I want to write — a summary of my thoughts/impressions during our trip and some final photos that didn't make it in to any of the previous posts.
What’s Hot
Japanese style! Wow, I loved the clothing in Japan so much! Sort of a 1980s big city, bad schoolgirl look. Short skirts, over the knee socks or tights, bright, funky shoes. And anything with sparkle!
Getting back into the holiday spirit. After losing my dad a couple years ago, I was feeling really down about the whole holiday season. This year, in large part because Anna is now old enough to participate, I'm really looking forward to crafting, baking, decorating, etc. I love Alicia's little snow village, though that's probably a little more Martha than I can muster!
Apak Studio. Just found these guys through Claire's mention of the studio tour at share some candy. Not sure why I clicked on Apak's link, but turns out they're right here in Portland (natch!), making them extra Hot in my book!
Yoga! 2010 is definitely going to be the year of yoga for me. I have found an amazing teacher who has opened up yoga in a new way for me. And extra hot (if you're a PDX local), Root has extended their biggest savings of the year for an extra week. It's a buy 2 get 1 free deal, and you have to call them or go in to get it.
What’s Not
My crazy cat who has expanded her sock-eating habit to my new pair of Anthropologie pants. Seriously, she ate them! Bad kitty!
Jet-lag. Really, it's not as bad as we expected, but it'd be nice to fall asleep sometime before 2am, given that we're up at 7. Small price to pay for such an amazing experience though!
Welcome back !
Fun, especially love the scoop on the japanese fashions. I wish I was in PDX to take advantage of the yoga studio you rave about. I'm glad you made it home safely!
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