Our delightful hosts, Rebecca, Eric, and Emanuelle.
One of the best things about this trip has been finding friends with whom we clicked instantly. When we were here in 2008, we had several friends visit throughout the trip. It was fantastic, but it did nothing to help us integrate better into life in Rouen.
As with most things relating to both of our trips to France, this new relationship is largely kismet. After finding out that we had another opportunity to come to Rouen, I again signed up for French classes. On the first day of class we introduced ourselves and talked about why we were there. Because I mentioned coming to Rouen, a man in the class mentioned that his daughter lived there with her husband and daughter. The following week he brought me an index card with her contact information. I never saw him again.
A month or so later, I emailed Rebecca. We exchanged basic information and spoke of getting together when my family arrived in France. We emailed a few times after that: she told me she has a 2-year-old daughter and that her husband was French.
A few days after we arrived in Rouen. I invited Rebecca, Eric, and Emanuelle over for dinner. That was last Sunday. In the past 6 nights we've had dinner together 3 times. What can I say other than that we've found people with whom we feel totally connected, totally comfortable. I am so grateful for this little family who has welcomed us to Rouen in ways that were totally unexpected. The only downside is that Rebecca and Emanuelle are leaving in mid-July, to go to Portland of all places! The good new is we'll get to visit with them there as well.

Hors d'oeuvres and champagne. Apparently, there's a French market that sells all this stuff frozen. Just thaw and serve. Gotta go there!


Anna and Emanuelle have become fast friends.

So many choices.

Showing her inner Beastie!